warmeo - for a pleasantly warm home
Comfort, security and cosiness – properties of great importance when it comes to your home.
warmeo fulfils these requirements with its fully-fledged warmeo PLANO and warmeo FLEXO electronic heating systems.
Special features: You can easily install these ready-to-mount 24-volt plug systems yourself and connect them to the electric circuit without any technical knowledge.
But apart from easy installation, the warmeo heating systems also boast other crucial advantages: They’re not only much cheaper than conventional heating systems, but also guarantee at least a 30 % saving in power consumption.
warmeo is also ideal for people with allergies. The heating system emits cosy radiant heat, avoiding air circulation and therefore hygienically problematic swirling dust.
The radiant heat similarly creates a pleasant, healthy environment, having no impact on humidity, and therefore preventing the ambient air from drying out.
Maintenance-free, long-lasting and reliable, the innovative warmeo heating system ensures cosy warmth and added comfort in your home.
Technical reasons to use warmeo
- No waiting times for subsequent flooring to be laid when installing floor heating! No additional drying time! No work interruptions! Laid directly with the flooring.
- The thin panels mean the floor heating can be incorporated in all renovation work.
- Floorers or tradespeople performing renovation/restoration work can lay the floor heating directly themselves without needing to call in a specialist like an electrician.
- Every available area, whether it be floors, walls or ceiling may be used for heating in rooms of normal ceiling height, without this changing the heating effect. This particularly applies to renovations in which the floor has already been laid.
- Various heating zones, controlled using different temperatures or heating cycles, can be easily defined, even in the same room.
A wide range of applications:
- A complete new heating system
- Renovation of existing living spaces
- Washrooms
- Old buildings with night storage heating
- Garages
- Cellars
- Store rooms
- Granny flats and conservatories
- (Open-plan) offices
warmeo PLANO
The warmeo PLANO heating system is ideal for floating floors like parquet, laminate and plastic.
The individual elements (79 x 59 cm) are made from 0.37 mm thin heating foil with a heat output of approx. 40 Watt. The actual graphite heating layer is embedded in high-strength PETP films. This electrically insulates the heating area, and protects it from mechanical influences and moisture. Around 96 % of the electricity used is converted to heat. The emitted heat is monitored by a floor sensor and limited to 29 °C. It spreads evenly throughout the entire heating area. This is recognised as being the most effective form of direct heating.
Areas of application:
- Laminate
- Parquet
- Plastic flooring
5 good reasons to choose warmeo Plano:
- No screeding required for renovation work, meaning no door trimming or loss of height
- No heating/hot-water supply
- Basements, store rooms garages, granny flats
- No need to invest in larger burner capacities if extending living space
- Choice of sensitive flooring not suitable for conventional floor heating systems
warmeo FLEXO
With its astonishingly varied areas of application, the warmeo FLEXO heating system is ideal for any living or work spaces.
With a heat output of 150 Watts, the 200-350 cm long elements can be individually adjusted and laid. The low installation height of less than half a millimetre means the warmeo heating system practically disappears under any wall or floor cladding. Even very thin materials like wallpaper, PVC floors, carpets or synthetic resin lacquers perfectly conceal the heating matte beneath. The versatile warmeo FLEXO is the ideal solution for a warm home.
Areas of application:
- Tiles
- Carpet
- Wallpaper
- Plaster
- Mirrors
5 good reasons to choose warmeo Flexo:
- No screeding required for renovation work, meaning no door trimming or loss of height
- No heating/hot-water supply
- Basements, store rooms garages, granny flats
- No need to invest in larger burner capacities if extending living space
- May be laid in shower cubicles/plumbed rooms, as operated with 24 Volt
With warmeo electronic heating systems, you can quickly and easily lay your own floor heating and connect it to the electric circuit. The super flat, economical, environmentally friendly system is ideal for any area of application, providing healthy warmth for pleasant comfort.
You can lay the floor heating yourself, directly with your new floor, and connect it to the electric circuit, as it is based on an approximately 24 Volt safe extra-low voltage. No need for technical inspections or approvals by electricians.tfällt.
With a height of just 0.4 mm, warmeo is perfect for installation under tiles, wallpaper and other application areas. Lay your floor heating easily in one hit with impact sound insulation using our floor coverings like laminate, parquet and vinyl.
The installed or even (connected) output of our warmeo heating system matches maximum output at full strength. When outside temperatures are cold, normal consumption is around 50% of the connected output shown.
warmeo can be laid quickly and easily with your floor covering in just 4 steps. No prior knowledge required for installation.
No CO₂ released! Energy-efficient, sustainable heating is environmentally friendly, and helps protect the climate. Save energy resources and heat your rooms in a particularly economical manner.
Due to the 95 % efficiency rate of the power supplied, and the comprehensive heating effect, the warmeo heating system saves at least 30 % energy compared to any of its counterparts. This saving can be further increased through sensible regulation.
warmeo enables very fast, even warming of the floor’s entire heating area with low power consumption. Natural radiant heat mimicking the sun’s rays prevents the room air from drying out.
The electrosmog emissions at full load are so low that the heating system already meets the changes expected within the EU over the next 20 years. An unused socket without any device connected to it can produce ten times the amount of electrosmog.
There is no added expense for maintenance or indirect electricity costs for pumps and controls like there is for central heating, and the purchase costs are very reasonable compared to conventional heating systems.
This direct comparison sees a building chosen in accordance with the energy performance certificate for year of construction: 1991. It had already been fitted with a radiant heating system (gas-fired hot-water floor heating).
The comparison period (2010-2011) had a 3 °C colder average winter temperature (1 °C, approx. 6 % power consumption change) compared to the 2006-2007 comparison period.
The comparison figures relate to a 75 m² apartment in this building.
1 The total is the sum of: Burner purchase, piping, components and operating hours (approx. € 12,100); plus 5 cm screed for compressive strength (approx. € 1,200)
2 incl. maintenance costs
All cost calculations are based on comparative figures from 2014, and may differ from region to region.
The return for fossil fuels is difficult to define, but is estimated at max. 10 years in the worst case scenario. The huge saving in CO₂ emissions must, however, be taken into account here!
Tardis GmbH & Co. KG
Im Tardis 1, 2 und 6
56566 NeuwiedTel.: +49 2631 954720
www.tardis.com -
Gläserei Schütt
Glockenstahlstraße 1
42855 RemscheidTel.: +49 2191 8799
www.glaserei-schuett.de -
Glasdesign Schenk
Max-Weber-Strasse 42
25451 QuickbornTel.: +49 4106 60238
www.schenkdesign.de -
Königsfelder Töpferhaus
Im Schätzberg 17
53426 KönigsfeldTel.: +49 02646 841
www.koenigsfelder-toepferhaus.de -
Die Sayner Scheune
Koblenz-Olper Str. 165
56170 BendorfTel.: +49 2622 9226176
www.die-sayner-scheune.de -
Wildvogel-Pflegestation Kirchwald eV.
Auf Silchenrath 2
56729 KirchwaldTel.: +49 2651 3971
www.wildvogel-pflegestation-kirchwald.org -
AreGroup SA
Um Gritt, Buurschtermillen 8
9157 L-9164 Bourscheid
LuxembourgMobile Lux: +352 62 13 58 141
Mobile BE: +32 498 11 39 44
moC.puorg-e-r-a@ofni -

Lay an 80 x 60 cm grid above the space (the dimensions of a heating mat). Align the longer sides parallel to the room’s long side. Centre the grid.
Place the control unit close to a power socket. Don’t plug in yet!
You have thus calculated the space for the heating area in the middle of the room, and the heating mats’ orientation towards the control unit.

Lay the heating mats with the plug side pointing towards the control unit, and make sure the side with the impact sound insulation is face down.
Pad the vacant spaces on the side of the room with the impact sound insulation mats (blind mats).
Connect the heating mats together with the plugs provided (transfer pins), and prevent the plug connection and heating mats from slipping using the supplied adhesive pads.

Connect two rows of four heating mats to heating circuits each time, and hook both heating circuits’ connector cables to the control unit as per the instructions.
Correctly position the floor sensor, and connect it to the control unit.
Finally, affix the thermostat to a suitable part of the wall, and connect it to the control unit.

Laying the flooring
Lay your floor on top of the prepared area.
And that’s it!
Connect the control unit to the power supply. You can now conveniently set your desired temperature using the thermostat, and start enjoying the constant, even warmth provided by your new heating system.
The control unit takes care of this with safe, low power levels, making it efficient and inexpensive.
Verlegevideo englisch from Thomas Fix on Vimeo.
warmeo Shop finder
FAQ – warmeo:
Can I use warmeo to heat an old building which has poor or average insulation?
warmeo may be used to fully heat an old building when the minimum wattage per square metre of space with installed capacity is 40. During a heating period from mid-September to mid-May, the system has a useful power output of between approx. 8% and 50% of the installed capacity, depending on heat-up phase and external temperature.
How long does the room take to warm up?
With an 8-mm-thick laminate as flooring, the laminate’s surface temperature increases by 1°C within approx. 5 min. After around 20 min, the entire laminate surface is over 5°C. Heating up a room depends on the initial temperature, meaning no set time can be specified.
What are the installation costs per sq m?
The installation costs depend on the installed and required power output, which is in turn dependent on room size and building fabric.
As a rough guide, the costs are approx. EUR 100-120 per sq m for warmeo plano (floating), and approx. EUR 120-140 per sq m for warmeo flexo (glued).
What are the heating costs?
These can only be specified on an individual case basis, as every person has different heating habits, every building has individual requirements (ground floor, 1st floor, old building, number of external walls), and of course the electricity price is highly variable.
At some of our customer properties which are old buildings, the costs are around EUR 0.78-0.8 per sq m per month, while for others they are EUR 1.3 per sq m per month.
The following can be seen as a very rough, non-binding calculation:
6 months of heating at 8 hours/day, daytime temperature (setback temperature during night-time hours) equals 1440 hours of full heating.
1440 hours x 20 Watts / m² (= 50% of the installed capacity) equals 28.8 KWH per sq m.
With a floor space of 100% for a living room spanning 100 sq m, and an electricity price of EUR 0.28/KWH, the heating costs equal approx. EUR 800/year.
What are the costs for maintaining warmeo heating systems?
The costs for maintaining warmeo heating systems are virtually zero! There are no servicing costs, no wear parts, no additional costs (except the batteries for the thermostats).
This saves around EUR 150/year compared to fossil heating sources (chimney sweep, servicing costs for hot-water heater,…)
There are similarly no wear parts, as there is no thermal or mechanical stress. The low voltage fuse (approx. EUR 0.15) is perhaps the only thing which may need to be replaced.
What is meant by electromagnetic vulnerability (EMV), commonly known as electrosmog?
According to test reports and a certificate from the Institute of High Frequency Technology in Kaiserslautern, active use of an entire warmeo heating system produces 10 times less radiation than an unused 220 V power point!
How dangerous is warmeo?
Due to the low voltage of 24 V, which is also approved for children’s toys, there is no risk of physical injury or health problems, even when direct contact is made.
What is heat radiation?
Warmeo produces heat radiation, which is comparable to the sun’s heat rays.
The radiation spectrum has absolutely no negative impact on the human body or health.
Heat rays penetrate no more than 0.003 mm into the surface, and are identical to the heat emitted from any other heat source operating in low temperatures, such as the radiated heat after burning wood or similar in a masonry heater.
Heizsysteme made in Germany
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warmeo – elektronische Heizsysteme / Showroom
Bromberger Straße 10
56566 Neuwied
GHG Management SA
1204 Gent, Schweiz
E-Mail: hc.oemraw@ofni
Internet: www.warmeo.de
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Au cas où il s’avérait que l’acheminement des produits au lieu de destination engendrerait des taxes (douanières ou autres) supplémentaires dont le client a omis d’informer la société ., ces frais seront à charge du client. Par ailleurs, et si le client omet d’informer la société . sur les documents nécessaires afin d’éviter toute taxation éventuelle aux douanes, ces taxes incombent au client.
En aucun cas, et indépendamment des modalités de vente convenues (C&F, DDU…), le client ne pourra demander le remboursement des frais occasionnés le défaut d’information de sa part.
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En vertu de l’article 23 du règlement européenne 44/2001 du 22 décembre 2000, Les Tribunaux luxembourgeois sont d’ailleurs seuls compétents pour connaître de tout litige entre . et ses clients que ce soit en relation avec l’exécution (respectivement l’inexécution) de leurs obligation respectives, ou en relation avec l’interprétation ou l’application des présentes conditions générales.
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